Homage clothing out of Columbus started a contest with Barbasol shaving cream called "Get Your Game Face On." The contest was to use shaving cream and show your OSU game face. The best photo with the most votes won 4 VIP tickets to the OSU and Kansas game, $500 to Homage, and 4 years of shaving cream, pretty awesome prizes I would say. Here is where I rant and complain. Homage used an app on Facebook that allows friends to vote for photos, you can only vote once every 24 hours and only votes count, not likes or comments and this went on for a week. Our photo and another photo, which we thought were the best two out of all the others were in the lead for the first 2 or 3 days, then out of nowhere this foreign kid blows by both of us (his photo sucked!) and went up like 100 votes and kept going up. Now, we had 5 people in our photo, which we all posted every day on Facebook and we each have 1,000+ friends, that was a lot of people seeing our photo. This kid had 700 friends and was beating us by a couple hundred votes. So, I started watching his page for a while, every 20 minutes or so I would refresh the page and he would have 10 or more votes each time. Then I researched the app and saw there are ways people can hack it to get votes, which we all think this kid did. Lets just say we were all upset about it, but we think they cancelled the contest because of it. They never announced a winner and you can't even access that contest page anymore. Oh well, it was a fun time taking the photo.